Wednesday, November 26, 2014


It's been a while since I posted. Life, ya know? There have been so many times I've thought that I needed to sit down and post, and every time, something pulled me in a different direction.

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving. It's a time when we all sit around and think of things that we are thankful for. This is my list.

Last month, we took part in the Chosen Race. Friends and Family members got up early on a Saturday morning to walk or run 10 miles to benefit our adoption. For this I am thankful. While that was an amazing thing to see, I saw something even more amazing while at the race. I saw beautiful families. Families in which adoption was normal. I saw a blond mom with three beautiful blond haired, blue eyed little girls, who were all in love with their adorable black little brother. I saw a family with a white mom, black dad and Asian little girl. There were numerous other families just like these. They weren't parents with their adopted children. They were families. It was amazing. I felt so at home around these complete strangers. This was the one place where these families didn't get asked who the baby that didn't look like them belonged to. I am thankful for the opportunity to meet and talk with other adoptive parents and adopted children. I am thankful that there are others in this world who can see past color when it comes to making a family.

I am thankful for the people who have donated to our adoption. Whether it was through the race, a gift, donation, or other ways, thank you.

I am thankful for my family. For my husband, who supports me, loves me, and understands me.

I am thankful for my daughter. Hannah teaches me something new every day. She is the most tenderhearted and kind little girl and I am so proud of her.

I am thankful for my parents. They made me who I am today.

I am thankful for my brother and his wife. Thank you for allowing me to spend a day each week loving on your beautiful baby boy.

I am thankful for my friends. We laugh until we cry, we also are there for each other no matter what.

This list could go on for ages. I know that I am blessed beyond measure. Thank you to everyone who reads this post. Thank you for taking time out of your day, even just a few minutes, to read about or journey. We are finishing up some final paperwork and the home study, in search of Whichever One Fits.