Friday, March 20, 2015


The first meeting with our caseworker was a success! She came to our house and we talked for nearly three hours. She was able to see our home and meet Hannah. She even asked Hannah special questions to make sure that she felt included in the process.
The questions she asked were run of the mill ones. Why are we wanting to adopt. What do we do for fun. How do we settle arguments and all that good stuff.
The best part is that she loved our humor and sarcasm. She was hilarious. So glad that she has a great sense of humor. Would have made for a long meeting!

We will meet with her three more times. I meet with her next week by myself, then the following week Shaun will meet with her, and the week after that we will meet with her together again.
Once the meetings have finished, she will write up the homestudy document and send it to us to fact check. Once we check it, the document will be sent to her supervisor and then to our agency. Then we will be an official "waiting family."

Please keep us in your prayers. Once we have the completed homestudy document in hand we can apply for grants and interest free loans. We are also considering doing another fundraiser in the future.

Monday, March 16, 2015

The Countdown is On...

Thursday. 6:30. Our first meeting with our social worker. Taking deep cleansing breaths. Inhale...exhale...repeat.

We have laughed and talked about hundreds of things not to talk about the two hour meetings, but not sure what we are actually going to talk about that's not snarky and sarcastic. Two hours and no that even possible? Let's face it, I get sarcastic at the checkout at Walmart.
Checkout lady - "Is that all?"
Me - "Nah, I'll take all this invisible stuff too."

Lord help me. Granted, I know she's supposed to get to know the "real" us but shouldn't we break her in gently?

Hmm...there's that word again..."real."

Pray for us!

Friday, March 6, 2015

Quick Update

Just a quick update, not the next great American Novel, I promise.

We have successfully submitted all of our paperwork for the homestudy. It's been approved! Now we wait to be contacted by our assigned Caseworker. There will be 4 interviews in the homestudy. One with Shaun and I together, one visit to our house, one with just me, and one with just Shaun. Then - it will take them up to three months to write the reports. After the reports are written and in hand, we can apply for the all important GRANTS!
Thank you for your continued prayers and support!