Monday, January 9, 2017

Back in the day

29 years ago today I arrived in the loving arms of my parents. Ok, maybe it wasn't 29 years ago, but since I am now perpetually 29, that's the number I'm going with. That's not the point. The point is that this is the anniversary of the day I met my family. Back in the day - many, many, years ago, adoption was done Old School. Not baby in a basket down the river old, but old. Guess that would be more Old Testament than Old School, but I digress...  
My mom and I. 
On that frigid Ohio evening, my parent's lawyer, Dan, and the social worker, drove from the small town we lived in to Akron, realized they had the wrong paperwork, drove back to our town, then back to Akron. They sprung me from the hospital and drove the 3 hours back home. Everyone met at the lawyer's house and I got to meet my parents for the first time. I don't remember any of this, of course, being all of three days old at the time, but I'm told it was quite an exciting day. 
My Dad and I.

Things have changed in the adoption world in the last 29* (ahem...) years. More paperwork, more money, more red tape, more...more. We have finished our homestudy update, once more we "seem" mentally and emotionally stable enough to adopt a baby. Now, we get to resume the super fun, super fantastic, super "make you want to scream" tediousness of waiting. Waiting for a phone call. Waiting to hear that we have been chosen by a birth mother. No, I don't jump every time the phone rings. Thank goodness for caller ID. Everyone asks if we are ready. My answer is always the same. We are as ready as we can get. 

Something I've learned during this long, long, long process is that I am still not a patient person. Waiting for God's timing is taking forever. We just keep hoping, keep waiting, and waiting, and know that His timing will be perfect...eventually!