Monday, April 20, 2015

The End is Near...Or is it?

We had our last visit with our super awesome caseworker last night. The first meeting was at our house and she got to meet Hannah. The second meeting was just the two of us, and the third was her and Shaun. Last night Shaun and I met with her for the final time and I'm going to miss chatting with her! She has already sent us the rough draft of our homestudy document to be fact checked, and, being all punctual, I've already sent it back to her! Yay, me!
I've never read one before (why would I have?) so it was actually interesting to see what all it entails. I still don't find us particularly interesting, but maybe that's a good thing. She wrote about our childhoods, schooling, how we met, how we parent Hannah and the best part...she wrote that we both "appear to be emotionally stable." I don't know why, but I got a good chuckle out of that. Not that we aren't stable (Shush, you! You know who you are!), it's just funny to see it written.

So, what's next you ask? Well, once she makes the changes she sends it to her boss with our agency. She said it should take about a week to be approved. After that, we will have an honest to goodness signed homestudy. Woot! Why woot? Woot because it means we can apply for grants, interest free loans and other ways to raise the funds we need to complete the adoption. (Unless you, gentle reader, happened upon $25,000 that you just can't find the use for. If that's the case, we should talk!) Seriously though, yes, it seems like a crazy amount of moolah, and yeah, it's a lot, but when there's a will, there's a way. Pretty sure some really famous philosopher said that. Or Charlie Brown.

We've said from the start that we are open to either gender or any race. <Insert looks of shock and awe here.> Yep, that means that there is a high likelihood that our new family member won't be all pasty pale like me! If you are shaking your head at that, don't call me. We can't be friends. One of the adoption classes we took called it "conspicuous families." Families that stand out. I'd like to change that culture. I think that a family is so much more that skin color. I would love to live in a world where it was completely normal for the family members to be a whole mix of colors.

Anywho...stepping away from my soapbox before I really get going. The next few months are where we will be writing for grants, working on fundraisers, all in the hopes of bringing our new baby home.

What can you do to help you ask? (You ARE asking that, right?? I thought so!) You can pray! Pray that we are able to secure the funds as quickly as possible. Pray that we do everything for the Glory of God. Pray for the birth mother of our baby. Pray for peace for her as she makes what has to be an unbelievable difficult decision. Pray that She knows that we will always love her for the gift she gives us. Pray for us. We haven't had an infant in nearly 9 years. (If you don't own stock in Starbucks or Folgers now might be a good time to invest.) It's going to be a change. We get that, but also know that it will be a change for the best!