Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Patience and Home Appliances

Hello lovely readers. Wanted to fill you in on the newest goings on. We are busy applying for grants and matching grants (those are nifty, they match whatever we raise!) and we are about to start an online silent auction! Wonderful people have donated the most awesome items towards the auction. Handmade items, gift cards, crafts, and all kinds of fabulousness! I'm in awe of their talents and willingness to help us! So, a huge thank you to you all!

I'll be adding people to the group on Facebook to be able to see and bit on all of the items on Thursday and Friday before it starts.

Other fundraisers are in the works, but we've had an unexpected speed bump.
Friday morning, the air conditioner in our house cooled it's last. Seeing as we live in NC and it's currently 90+ degrees every day, staying in the house wasn't exactly an option. Thankfully, my parents are letting us invade them until it's fixed. Remember the old saying, "company is like dead fish, after a few days they both start to stink!" Well, we are trying really hard to not be stinky fish!

Needless to say, I was upset. Ok, more than upset. It felt like a cosmic sign, maybe God was telling us to stop this crazy adoption idea and just go about our lives. I was pretty down Friday and even Saturday. Still don't understand His timing, or His plans, but I know that giving up on the child that is out there waiting for us isn't in His plans. Sure, it would be easier to throw up my hands and say, "Ok, God, I quit." We've tried for over a year and a half, you've thrown small speed bumps and now a large, expensive one our way. I'm done." Sure, it would be easier, but what about that baby who needs a family? Giving up on him or her because of an air conditioner? Seems a little selfish and stupid. Therefore, we are staying on course, speed bumps be darned! Just need a little patience.

I'm not a patient person. If you know me well at all, you've laughed at that because I'm possibly the least patient person ever in life. I strive daily to be a more patient person, but it's taking too long...
Want to know something that takes a long time and can make you nuts? Adoption. It can make you crazy in ways you didn't even know you could go crazy! What is my best and worst quality? Well, my  worst quality is that I..

Any-who...that's where we are. Be looking for the auction and please be praying for us! Specific prayer requests: Our AC, patience for me, our future baby, the birth parents, and for us to follow in God's will in this whole process.

Thanks for reading. Much love for you all!

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