Sunday, February 19, 2017

Let's Do Some Good!

While we wait...and wait...and wait for "that" phone call, I wanted to make you, dear readers, aware of another cause that's near and dear to our hearts. The East Lincoln Pregnancy Care Center. The PCC helps women in all stages of pregnancy, and all costs are covered. For more information on the PCC, click here!

As you know, my hubby, Shaun, and three of his friends are the brains and voices behind the Laymen's Cup Podcast. didn't know that? They're like famous and everything! Want more info on the super famous Laymen? Click here!  On your smart phone there is a podcast app - seriously! I didn't know either! Once you find the podcast app, search for Laymen's Cup and you can download to your heart's content! In the episode coming out this Monday (Feb 20.) They discuss the PCC with the Director and two of the board members. Even if you're not into a Theology Podcast - this is one you'll want to check out.

They discuss the upcoming annual fundraiser banquet. The Laymen and their wives (that's me!) will be attending for the second year in a row. We get to get dressed up and have a night out! Last year I wore heels and survived to tell about it!  Why am I telling you this? Well, one, because it's my blog and I can, but most importantly, I need your help! I would love to help gather donations from you - my beloved readers - and deliver them the night of the banquet.

There are several ways you can help. First, if you'd like to make a donation, in any amount, you can send it to me via paypal. In order to avoid fees, send it friends and family - because we're all friends, right? To send a donation via paypal - click here and select send. Then you can enter my email address:

Another way you can help is by shopping my Jamberry fundraiser. You can purchase nail wraps, lacquers and hand care products, or, if you'd like, you can purchase a gift card. The gift card will be used to purchase items for the clients of the PCC. In addition, all commission earned from this fundraiser will be donated to the PCC. For my Jamberry link, Click Here!
If you purchase a gift card you'd like to donate, please email me at and include the gift card code you receive in your email.

Finally, please pray. Pray for the staff and volunteers of the center as they minister to the community. Pray for the clients of the center, and lastly pray for us. Waiting - it stinks. But, hopefully we can do some good while we wait for the phone call that will change our lives (and sleeping patterns!)

Thank you for reading. It's humbling to know that you take the time out of your day to read my ramblings!

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